New York City

Discovering Astoria: 3 Hidden Gems

Astoria. Queens, New York. It’s not quite as “exotic” as living in Thailand, Laos, or Cambodia, but the melting pot of cultures and the traditional community-like nature of Astoria provide an extraordinary maze of hidden gems to explore in the neighborhood.  There are Greek bakeries, 24/hour fresh markets, and ethnic restaurants aplenty in Astoria – but in my expeditions around the neighborhood I’ve found some truly unexpected spots nestled in between traditional Queens establishments.  Here are my top 3 Astoria hidden gems so far (more…)

New York Dreams: Brooklyn to Queens

Big news! I have officially signed a lease. Having grown up on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, it was very difficult to get up the will to leave the nest and start paying the high price of New York City rent.  However, as a 25-year-old committed to kicking off my career in the City (us jaded New Yorkers always refer to New York City, and sometimes Manhattan, as “the City”), it was time.  Moving to the most desirable neighborhoods in Manhattan would be expensive, and not a far enough move from my parents’ place to be truly worth it – so the question became: Brooklyn or Queens?


Why I’m Leaving Everything to go to Thailand Alone

In my next few posts I will talk ad nauseam about my plans for my trip to Southeast Asia, but before I go I think it’s important to close some doors behind me. Many people, especially my grandma, think it’s crazy that I’m quitting a great job to go to Thailand alone.  Here is a little bit about where I’ve been and why I’m going.


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